Flourishing together
A listening, reflective and caring atmosphere in which everyone feels happy, secure and valued.

School Policies

Hard copies of all our school policies can be requested from the office. You can also view them by clicking the links below.
Please do contact us if you have any questions or need clarification.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023-2024

Ensuring children are safeguarded and their welfare promoted is of paramount importance to us. All our staff receive training annually and if any legislative changes are introduced during the year - e.g. the new Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 which came into force in September 2023, we ensure that this information is shared immediately. The updated policy for 2023-2024 has been reviewed by the Federation Board and is linked below. Our Governors also undertake training and safeguarding is a standing item on all Committee agendas.

Kate is our Designated Safeguarding Lead for the Wandsworth Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools. She is supported by Ruth and Anne, Co-deputy Heads, and the Designated Safeguarding Leads for Balham Nursery School. Our teachers Jo and Laura, areDeputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, both based at Balham Nursery School - so there is always someone in the nursery who has a high level of expertise in all aspects of safeguarding and child protection. We also have a named Governor responsible for safeguarding - Melanie Pollett.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety Policy 2023-24

We are responsible for looking after very precious little people as well as special bigger people. With that in mind, we are fully aware of our legal obligations and responsibilities to maintain a safe environment for all. We have a clear set of procedures in place to ensure that risks are kept to a minimum and that any issues are dealt with promptly by the appropriate members of our team.

Accidents do sometimes happen, but one of our many qualified First Aiders will be quick to administer whatever is needed to sooth and reassure.

Wandsworth Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools SEND Policy

WFMNS Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy 2023-2024

We ensure that all children, regardless of their particular needs, are offered inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress . We can offer a range of provision to support children with communication and interaction, cognition and learning difficulties, social, mental and health problems or sensory or physical needs.

Our SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) is Mary Edgar and she can be contacted on Monday- Tuesday either by calling the nursery on 020 8673 4055 or by email, senco@balham-nursery.wandsworth.sch.uk


SEND Information Report

Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) Information Report

We work within the Wandsworth Guidance on Provision for Children with SEND in Mainstream Schools which explains the ways children with different additional needs are provided for within the school.

This report contains a lot of detailed information, including what you can expect when your child attends the nursery, how we will adapt the curriculum and teaching to support your child’s needs and how we will assess the progress of your child.

You can also find more information regarding Wandsworth’s local SEND offer at:
Wandsworth Local Offer

Equality Policy and Objective

Equality Policy and Objective 2023-24

We welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010. The general duties are to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations across our school community. Each year we have a specific duty to publish an equality objectives which show how we plan to improve our practice over the coming year.

We will continuously strive to ensure that everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

Relationships and Positive Behaviour

Relationship and Positive Behaviour Policy 2023-2024

We know that most children need time to become aware of others and their needs and may need support to learn how to take turns, share toys and an adult’s attention. As children are great “people watchers”, our staff provide good role models and, for example, always behave as well as we think the children should, show consistency in dealing with all the children and display a respectful attitude.

We encourage children to be kind and caring, but also to have the confidence to be assertive if they feel hurt, supporting them to use “Please stop it, I don’t like it”. We will separate the deed from the person so that children can develop a feeling of self worth. Our approach to behaviour management is positive in that we encourage children who have hurt their peers, either purposefully or by accident, to care for them.

Pupils in School with Medical Conditions

Policy for Supporting Children at School with Medical Conditions

We are committed to ensuring that children who have any type of medical condition are fully supported in all aspects of school life. We will always consult and work in partnership with parents and health or social care professionals to ensure that each child’s needs are effectively met. If required, we will arrange appropriate training for our staff so that we are able to provide whatever support is needed.

We ensure that there is a focus on the needs of each individual child so that they can play an active role in the nursery, remain healthy and achieve their full potential.

Nappy Changing Policy

This policy sets out the clear principles and guidance for nappy changing at Balham Nursery School. This policy has been put together in conjunction with staff, parents, governors and most importantly, our children.

Complaints Policy and Procedures

Complaints Policy and Procedures 2023-2024

We do recognise that from time to time parents/carers might feel they have not received the best possible provision from us.

The continued confidence and support of parents/carers is crucial to Balham Nursery School and that is why we are asking you to let us know if you are not completely satisfied with us.

We have a firm commitment to work in partnership with parents/carers and hope that any concerns you may have can be resolved informally by speaking with the relevant Key Person. If initial attempts are unsuccessful or you remain dissatisfied and wish to take the matter further, this policy sets out the procedure and timescales for a formal complaint.

Debt Recovery, Charging and Remissions

Debt Recovery, Charging and Remissions Policy 2023-2024

There is no charge for the universal 15 hours of free nursery education for 3-4 year olds, or for those who are eligible for the additional 15 hours (30 hours) offer ,or those 2 year olds eligible for an early education place, including the supply of resources, books, instruments or other equipment.

There is a charge for families who wish to “top up” to a full-time place or pay for an “early entry” place.

We may occasionally ask for voluntary contributions in order to offer a wide variety of experiences to the children, but these will always be voluntary and parents are under absolutely no obligation. Any extra activities or visits will be enjoyed by all the children.

Home Learning Plan

Home Learning Plan 2021-2022

Balham Nursery School fully reopened in September 2020 after lockdown due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. We had robust plans in place to welcome back our returning children and admitting new children to ensure a positive experience for all. However, we were aware of the likelihood that there would be further waves of the virus which could mean returning to in-school “bubbles” and possible further local and national lockdowns to contain virus transmission. We therefore considered our approach to continuing to provide education and support for our children and families in the event that some would have to stay at home for periods of time.

The key element of our approach is to provide families with ideas, physical learning packs and online resources that will support them to engage in learning at home. We are mindful that Nursery education is not compulsory and so our aim is to encourage and inspire in a manner that does not overwhelm the children or their families.

You will find more information about our plans for Home Learning by clicking on the link below.

Wandsworth Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools Data Protection Policy 2023-2024

Wandsworth Federation of Maintained Nursery Schools Data Protection Policy 2023-2024