Eyes wide open & upside down
We look at the world through a child’s eyes to make learning fun.

Aims, Values and Ethos

We aim to help realise the potential social, intellectual, physical and emotional development of each child irrespective of race, class, gender, culture, language or disability. In everything we do, we are driven by the best interests of your child.

Listen, Reflect, Nuture

To create a listening, reflective and caring atmosphere in which children, their families, carers, staff, and governors feel happy, safe and valued.

We take our safeguarding duties very seriously and work closely with parents/carers and external agencies to ensure the children’s welfare is at the heart of everything we do. We provide a warm, family friendly, caring and secure environment, in which children work towards developing self confidence, self discipline and self esteem.

Recognise Individuality

To recognise each child as an individual with their own voice, rights and needs, and to develop in each child an awareness of the rights and needs of others.

Children have access to learning experiences which are appropriate to their needs and individuals are encouraged to progress at a pace most suited to them. Each child and family is afforded the time it takes to achieve their best interests.

Develop Partnerships

To develop a partnership with parents, carers and agencies to share in the education and well-being of each child.

We listen to, and understand each child’s/family’s perspective. We encourage positive relationships and value the expertise of parents/carers and external partners to ensure the best outcome for the child. Parents are always welcome to participate in school life.

Stimulate Interests

To provide an early years curriculum in a stimulating environment which supports learning through exploration, interaction and purposeful play.

In all activities we provide materials and experiences that will stimulate and provoke an interest in the children and encourage them to observe closely, ask questions, experiment, guess what will happen if… and tell us what they have found out.

Provide Continuity

To provide continuity between the nursery and primary phase of education and act as a training resource and support professional development of early years practitioners.

We share our teaching and skills with a range of settings, both to learn from one another and to promote best practice in early years education.

Involve the Community

To maintain strong links with our community.

Extending the curriculum with visits to local places of interest in Balham fosters a sense of belonging to a community. We work closely with a number of local organisations to support one another in ensuring best outcomes for the children.